Peace be with you!
The celebration of the Liturgy has taken on various forms throughout our history as a Church.
A wonderful informative page on Catholic Liturgies can be found here:
The following page shows a list of episcopates in the various rites of the Catholic Church all over the world.
Here are a list of transcriptions for the various rites for use in the Eastern Catholic Churches:
New Advent
- The Liturgy of James
- The Liturgy of Mark
- The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles
Catholic Rites in general:
Latin Rites:
Tridentine Rite (Latin) -
Mozarabic Rite (Latin) -
Ambrosian Rite (Latin) -
Carthusian Rite (Latin) -
English Translations of rites:
(Byzantine) Liturgy of St. Basil-
Chaldean or Syro-Oriental Rite -
(Jerusalem) Liturgy of St. James -
(Constatinian, Byzantine, Melkite) Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom -
(Alexandrian Rite) Liturgy of St. Mark -
Holy Qorbono (Qurbaana, Qurbana) -
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts -
Melkite Greek Catholic Liturgy -
Maronite Liturgy -
-->Explanation of Maronite Divine Liturgy -
-->Full length Maronite Divine Liturgy (Mass) for shut-ins - or
-->Maronite Divine Liturgy with Bishop Eparchy Robert Shaheen-
Syro-Malabar Catholic Qurbana (text) -
Syro-Malankara consecration video -
Syro-Malankara Qurbana (Liturgy of St. James, but translated into Malayalam) -
Armenian Rite -
Chaldean Catholic Church Website -
Chaldean Catholic Rite - Information -
East Syrian-Antiochan - Chaldean Divine Liturgy (English adaptation)_Orthodox -
N.B.: Many of the Eastern Catholic Liturgies are the same as the Eastern Orthodox Liturgies, with the exception that the Catholics are indeed in full communion with the See of Peter and include their prayers for the Pope.
Peace be with you! Welcome to "Teach a Man to Fish", an information hub dedicated exclusively to teaching you how to find resources about the Catholic Faith on the Web and in the World.
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Friday, October 29, 2010
The Ante-Nicene Fathers Works
Peace be with you!
Here is a link to the online version of the works of the Ante-Nicene Fathers.
The Ante-Nicene Fathers are priests who taught BEFORE the Council of Nicaea. They were prolific writers on faith, life in Christ, and the Divine Liturgy (Mass).
For a 7-part books series (html) see below:
Book 1:
Book 2:
Book 3:
Book 4:
Book 5:
Book 6:
Book 7:
Book 8:
Book 9:
All these and Pre- and Post-Nicene Writings can be found on the webpage:
The writings include those of St. John Chrysostom and St. Augustine.
Here is a link to the online version of the works of the Ante-Nicene Fathers.
The Ante-Nicene Fathers are priests who taught BEFORE the Council of Nicaea. They were prolific writers on faith, life in Christ, and the Divine Liturgy (Mass).
For a 7-part books series (html) see below:
Book 1:
Book 2:
Book 3:
Book 4:
Book 5:
Book 6:
Book 7:
Book 8:
Book 9:
All these and Pre- and Post-Nicene Writings can be found on the webpage:
The writings include those of St. John Chrysostom and St. Augustine.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Liturgical Resources
Peace be with you!
The following link is to a website of resources assembled by the Order of St. Benedict (OSB).
This website contains tons of resources on the various Liturgies of the Catholic Church.
The following link is to a website of resources assembled by the Order of St. Benedict (OSB).
This website contains tons of resources on the various Liturgies of the Catholic Church.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Church Fathers Works
Peace be with you!
Many of the works of the early Church Fathers can be found at the following web address:
Here is the full list of works:
Alexander of Alexandria [SAINT]
- Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius
Alexander of Lycopolis
- Of the Manicheans
Ambrose (340-397) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- On the Christian Faith (De fide)
- On the Holy Spirit
- On the Mysteries
- On Repentance
- On the Duties of the Clergy
- Concerning Virgins
- Concerning Widows
- On the Death of Satyrus
- Memorial of Symmachus
- Sermon against Auxentius
- Letters
Aphrahat/Aphraates (c. 280-367)
- Demonstrations
- Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes
Aristides the Philosopher
- The Apology
- Against the Heathen
Athanasius [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Against the Heathen
- On the Incarnation of the Word
- Deposition of Arius
- Statement of Faith
- On Luke 10:22 (Matthew 11:27)
- Circular Letter
- Apologia Contra Arianos
- De Decretis
- De Sententia Dionysii
- Vita S. Antoni (Life of St. Anthony)
- Ad Episcopus Aegypti et Libyae
- Apologia ad Constantium
- Apologia de Fuga
- Historia Arianorum
- Four Discourses Against the Arians
- De Synodis
- Tomus ad Antiochenos
- Ad Afros Epistola Synodica
- Historia Acephala
- Letters
- A Plea for the Christians
- The Resurrection of the Dead
Augustine of Hippo [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Confessions
- Letters
- City of God
- Christian Doctrine
- On the Holy Trinity
- The Enchiridion
- On the Catechising of the Uninstructed
- On Faith and the Creed
- Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen
- On the Profit of Believing
- On the Creed: A Sermon to Catechumens
- On Continence
- On the Good of Marriage
- On Holy Virginity
- On the Good of Widowhood
- On Lying
- To Consentius: Against Lying
- On the Work of Monks
- On Patience
- On Care to be Had For the Dead
- On the Morals of the Catholic Church
- On the Morals of the Manichaeans
- On Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans
- Acts or Disputation Against Fortunatus the Manichaean
- Against the Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental
- Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
- Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichaeans
- On Baptism, Against the Donatists
- Answer to Letters of Petilian, Bishop of Cirta
- Merits and Remission of Sin, and Infant Baptism
- On the Spirit and the Letter
- On Nature and Grace
- On Man's Perfection in Righteousness
- On the Proceedings of Pelagius
- On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
- On Marriage and Concupiscence
- On the Soul and its Origin
- Against Two Letters of the Pelagians
- On Grace and Free Will
- On Rebuke and Grace
- The Predestination of the Saints/Gift of Perseverance
- Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount
- The Harmony of the Gospels
- Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament
- Tractates on the Gospel of John
- Homilies on the First Epistle of John
- Soliloquies
- The Enarrations, or Expositions, on the Psalms
Bardesanes (154-222)
- The Book of the Laws of Various Countries
Barnabas [SAINT]
- Epistle of Barnabas
Basil the Great [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- De Spiritu Sancto
- Nine Homilies of Hexaemeron
- Letters
- Fragments
Clement of Alexandria [SAINT]
- Who is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved?
- Exhortation to the Heathen
- The Instructor
- The Stromata, or Miscellanies
- Fragments
Clement of Rome [SAINT]
- First Epistle
- Second Epistle [SPURIOUS]
- Two Epistles Concerning Virginity [SPURIOUS]
- Recognitions [SPURIOUS]
- Clementine Homilies [SPURIOUS]
- Writings
Cyprian of Carthage [SAINT]
- The Life and Passion of Cyprian By Pontius the Deacon
- The Epistles of Cyprian
- The Treatises of Cyprian
- The Seventh Council of Carthage
Cyril of Jerusalem [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Catechetical Lectures
Dionysius of Rome [SAINT]
- Against the Sabellians
Dionysius the Great
- Epistles and Epistolary Fragments
- Exegetical Fragments
- Miscellaneous Fragments
Ephraim the Syrian (306-373) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Nisibene Hymns
- Miscellaneous Hymns -- On the Nativity of Christ in the Flesh, For the Feast of the Epiphany, and On the Faith ("The Pearl")
- Homilies -- On Our Lord, On Admonition and Repentance, and On the Sinful Woman
Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 265-c. 340)
- Church History
- Life of Constantine
- Oration of Constantine "to the Assembly of the Saints"
- Oration in Praise of Constantine
- Letter on the Council of Nicaea
Gennadius of Marseilles
- Illustrious Men (Supplement to Jerome)
Gregory the Great, Pope (c. 540-604) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Pastoral Rule
- Register of Letters
Gregory Nazianzen [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Orations
- Letters
Gregory of Nyssa [SAINT]
- Against Eunomius
- Answer to Eunomius' Second Book
- On the Holy Spirit (Against the Followers of Macedonius)
- On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit (To Eustathius)
- On "Not Three Gods" (To Ablabius)
- On the Faith (To Simplicius)
- On Virginity
- On Infants' Early Deaths
- On Pilgrimages
- On the Making of Man
- On the Soul and the Resurrection
- The Great Catechism
- Funeral Oration on Meletius
- On the Baptism of Christ (Sermon for the Day of Lights)
- Letters
Gregory Thaumaturgus [SAINT]
- A Declaration of Faith
- A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes
- Canonical Epistle
- The Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen
- A Sectional Confession of Faith
- On the Trinity
- Twelve Topics on the Faith
- On the Subject of the Soul
- Four Homilies
- On All the Saints
- On Matthew 6:22-23
- The Pastor (or "The Shepherd")
Hilary of Poitiers [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns
- On the Trinity
- Homilies on the Psalms
Hippolytus [SAINT]
- The Refutation of All Heresies
- Some Exegetical Fragments of Hippolytus
- Expository Treatise Against the Jews
- Against Plato, On the Cause of the Universe
- Against the Heresy of Noetus
- Discourse on the Holy Theophany
- The Antichrist
- The End of the World (Pseudonymous)
- The Apostles and the Disciples (Pseudonymous)
Ignatius of Antioch [SAINT]
- Epistle to the Ephesians
- Epistle to the Magnesians
- Epistle to the Trallians
- Epistle to the Romans
- Epistle to the Philadelphians
- Epistle to the Smyrnæans
- Epistle to Polycarp
- The Martyrdom of Ignatius
- The Spurious Epistles
Irenaeus of Lyons [SAINT]
- Adversus haereses
- Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus
- Letters
- The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary
- To Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem
- The Dialogue Against the Luciferians
- The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk
- The Life of S. Hilarion
- The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
- Against Jovinianus
- Against Vigilantius
- Against the Pelagians
- Prefaces
- De Viris Illustribus (Illustrious Men)
- Apology for himself against the Books of Rufinus
John of Damascus [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Exposition of the Faith
John Cassian (c. 360-c. 435)
- Institutes
- Conferences
- On the Incarnation of the Lord (Against Nestorius)
John Chrysostom [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew
- Homilies on Acts
- Homilies on Romans
- Homilies on First Corinthians
- Homilies on Second Corinthians
- Homilies on Ephesians
- Homilies on Philippians
- Homilies on Colossians
- Homilies on First Thessalonians
- Homilies on Second Thessalonians
- Homilies on First Timothy
- Homilies on Second Timothy
- Homilies on Titus
- Homilies on Philemon
- Commentary on Galatians
- Homilies on the Gospel of John
- Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews
- Homilies on the Statues
- No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself
- Two Letters to Theodore After His Fall
- Letter to a Young Widow
- Homily on St. Ignatius
- Homily on St. Babylas
- Homily Concerning "Lowliness of Mind"
- Instructions to Catechumens
- Three Homilies on the Power of Satan
- Homily on the Passage "Father, if it be possible . . ."
- Homily on the Paralytic Lowered Through the Roof
- Homily on the Passage "If your enemy hunger, feed him."
- Homily Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren
- First Homily on Eutropius
- Second Homily on Eutropius (After His Captivity)
- Four Letters to Olympias
- Letter to Some Priests of Antioch
- Correspondence with Pope Innocent I
- On the Priesthood
Julius Africanus
- Extant Writings
Justin Martyr [SAINT]
- First Apology
- Second Apology
- Dialogue with Trypho
- Hortatory Address to the Greeks
- On the Sole Government of God
- Fragments of the Lost Work on the Resurrection
- Miscellaneous Fragments from Lost Writings
- Martyrdom of Justin, Chariton, and other Roman Martyrs
- Discourse to the Greeks
- The Divine Institutes
- The Epitome of the Divine Institutes
- On the Anger of God
- On the Workmanship of God
- Of the Manner In Which the Persecutors Died
- Fragments of Lactantius
- The Phoenix
- A Poem on the Passion of the Lord
Leo the Great, Pope (c. 395-461) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Sermons
- Letters
- Epistle
Mar Jacob (452-521)
- Canticle on Edessa
- Homily on Habib the Martyr
- Homily on Guria and Shamuna
- Epistle to Diognetus
- The Banquet of the Ten Virgins
- Concerning Free Will
- From the Discourse on the Resurrection
- Fragments
- Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna
- Oration on the Psalms
- Three Fragments from the Homily on the Cross and Passion of Christ
Minucius Felix
- Octavius
Moses of Chorene (c. 400-c. 490)
- History of Armenia
- Treatise Concerning the Trinity
- On the Jewish Meats
- De Principiis
- Africanus to Origen
- Origen to Africanus
- Origen to Gregory
- Against Celsus
- Letter of Origen to Gregory
- Commentary on the Gospel of John
- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
Pamphilus [SAINT]
- Exposition on the Acts of the Apostles
Papias [SAINT]
- Fragments
Peter of Alexandria [SAINT]
- The Genuine Acts
- The Canonical Epistle
- Fragments
Polycarp [SAINT]
- Epistle to the Philippians
- The Martyrdom of Polycarp
- Apology
- Commentary on the Apostles' Creed
- Prefaces and Other Works
Socrates Scholasticus (c. 379-c. 450)
- Ecclesiastical History
Sozomen (c. 375-c. 447)
- Ecclesiastical History
Sulpitius Severus (c. 363-c. 420)
- On the Life of St. Martin
- Letters -- Genuine and Dubious
- Dialogues
- Sacred History
- Address to the Greeks
- Fragments
- The Diatessaron
- The Apology
- On Idolatry
- De Spectaculis (The Shows)
- De Corona (The Chaplet)
- To Scapula
- Ad Nationes
- An Answer to the Jews
- The Soul's Testimony
- A Treatise on the Soul
- The Prescription Against Heretics
- Against Marcion
- Against Hermogenes
- Against the Valentinians
- On the Flesh of Christ
- On the Resurrection of the Flesh
- Against Praxeas
- Scorpiace
- Appendix (Against All Heresies)
- On Repentance
- On Baptism
- On Prayer
- Ad Martyras
- The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity (Sometimes attributed to Tertullian)
- Of Patience
- On the Pallium
- On the Apparel of Women
- On the Veiling of Virgins
- To His Wife
- On Exhortation to Chastity
- On Monogamy
- On Modesty
- On Fasting
- De Fuga in Persecutione
- Counter-Statements to Cyril's 12 Anathemas against Nestorius
- Ecclesiastical History
- Dialogues ("Eranistes" or "Polymorphus")
- Demonstrations by Syllogism
- Letters
- Excerpts
- Theophilus to Autolycus
- Poem on Easter
Victorinus [SAINT]
- On the Creation of the World
- Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John
Vincent of Lérins (d. c. 450) [SAINT]
- Commonitory for the Antiquity and Universality of the Catholic Faith
- The Liturgy of James
- The Liturgy of Mark
- The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles
- Carthage under Cyprian (257) [LOCAL]
- Ancyra (314) [LOCAL]
- Neocaesarea (315) [LOCAL]
- Nicaea I (325) [ECUMENICAL]
- Antioch in Encaeniis (341) [LOCAL]
- Gangra (343) [LOCAL]
- Sardica (344) [LOCAL]
- Constantinople I (381) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople (382) [LOCAL]
- Laodicea (390) [LOCAL]
- Constantinople under Nectarius (394) [LOCAL]
- Carthage (419) [LOCAL]
- Ephesus (431) [ECUMENICAL]
- Chalcedon (451) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople II (553) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople III (680) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople/"Trullo"/Quinisext (692) [LOCAL]
- Nicaea II (787) [ECUMENICAL]
- Apocalypse of Peter (c. 130)
- Protoevangelium of James (c. 150)
- Acts of Paul and Thecla (c. 180)
- Gospel of Peter (c. 190) [DOCETIC]
- The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (c. 192) [EBIONITIC]
- Acts of Peter and Paul (c. 200)
- Gospel of Thomas (c. 200) [GNOSTIC]
- Acts of Thomas (c. 240) [GNOSTIC]
- Acts of Thaddaeus (c. 250)
- Acts of Andrew (c. 260) [GNOSTIC]
- Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena (c. 270)
- Acts of John [DOCETIC]
- Acts of Philip (c. 350)
- Apocalypse of Paul (c. 380)
- Gospel of Nicodemus (Including "Acta Pilati") (c. 150-400)
- The Doctrine of Addai (c. 400) -- This is a Syriac version of the earlier Acts of Thaddaeus (s.v.)
- Assumption of Mary (c. 400)
- History of Joseph the Carpenter (c. 400)
- Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (c. 400)
- Acts of Barnabas (c. 500)
- Acts of Bartholomew (c. 500) [NESTORIAN]
- Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle (c. 550) [ABYSSINIAN]
- Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour (c. 600)
- Avenging of the Saviour (c. 700)
- Apocalypse of John (unknown date; late)
- Apocalypse of Moses (unknown date) [JUDAISTIC]
- Apocalypse of Esdras (unknown date) [JUDAISTIC]
- Testament of Abraham (unknown date) [JUDAISTIC]
- Narrative of Zosimus (unknown date)
- Gospel of the Nativity of Mary (unknown date; late)
- Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea (unknown date; late)
- Report of Pontius Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Letter of Pontius Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Giving Up of Pontius Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Death of Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Apocalypse of the Virgin (unknown date; very late)
- Apocalypse of Sedrach (unknown date; very late)
- Acts of Andrew and Matthias
- Acts of Peter and Andrew
- Consummation of Thomas the Apostle
- The Didache (c. 100)
- Apostolic Constitutions (c. 400)
- The Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat
- The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs (c. 180)
- A Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian (c. 255)
- A Treatise on Re-Baptism (c. 255)
- Remains of the Second and Third Centuries (various dates)
- Apostolic Canons (c. 400) -- See Apostolic Constitutions, Book VIII, Chapter 47
- Acts of Sharbil (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The Martyrdom of Barsamya (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The Teaching of the Apostles (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Martyrdom of the Holy Confessors Shamuna, Guria, and Habib (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Ambrose (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The False Decretals (c. 850)
All links provided by
Many of the works of the early Church Fathers can be found at the following web address:
Here is the full list of works:
Alexander of Alexandria [SAINT]
- Epistles on the Arian Heresy and the Deposition of Arius
Alexander of Lycopolis
- Of the Manicheans
Ambrose (340-397) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- On the Christian Faith (De fide)
- On the Holy Spirit
- On the Mysteries
- On Repentance
- On the Duties of the Clergy
- Concerning Virgins
- Concerning Widows
- On the Death of Satyrus
- Memorial of Symmachus
- Sermon against Auxentius
- Letters
Aphrahat/Aphraates (c. 280-367)
- Demonstrations
- Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes
Aristides the Philosopher
- The Apology
- Against the Heathen
Athanasius [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Against the Heathen
- On the Incarnation of the Word
- Deposition of Arius
- Statement of Faith
- On Luke 10:22 (Matthew 11:27)
- Circular Letter
- Apologia Contra Arianos
- De Decretis
- De Sententia Dionysii
- Vita S. Antoni (Life of St. Anthony)
- Ad Episcopus Aegypti et Libyae
- Apologia ad Constantium
- Apologia de Fuga
- Historia Arianorum
- Four Discourses Against the Arians
- De Synodis
- Tomus ad Antiochenos
- Ad Afros Epistola Synodica
- Historia Acephala
- Letters
- A Plea for the Christians
- The Resurrection of the Dead
Augustine of Hippo [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Confessions
- Letters
- City of God
- Christian Doctrine
- On the Holy Trinity
- The Enchiridion
- On the Catechising of the Uninstructed
- On Faith and the Creed
- Concerning Faith of Things Not Seen
- On the Profit of Believing
- On the Creed: A Sermon to Catechumens
- On Continence
- On the Good of Marriage
- On Holy Virginity
- On the Good of Widowhood
- On Lying
- To Consentius: Against Lying
- On the Work of Monks
- On Patience
- On Care to be Had For the Dead
- On the Morals of the Catholic Church
- On the Morals of the Manichaeans
- On Two Souls, Against the Manichaeans
- Acts or Disputation Against Fortunatus the Manichaean
- Against the Epistle of Manichaeus Called Fundamental
- Reply to Faustus the Manichaean
- Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichaeans
- On Baptism, Against the Donatists
- Answer to Letters of Petilian, Bishop of Cirta
- Merits and Remission of Sin, and Infant Baptism
- On the Spirit and the Letter
- On Nature and Grace
- On Man's Perfection in Righteousness
- On the Proceedings of Pelagius
- On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin
- On Marriage and Concupiscence
- On the Soul and its Origin
- Against Two Letters of the Pelagians
- On Grace and Free Will
- On Rebuke and Grace
- The Predestination of the Saints/Gift of Perseverance
- Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount
- The Harmony of the Gospels
- Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament
- Tractates on the Gospel of John
- Homilies on the First Epistle of John
- Soliloquies
- The Enarrations, or Expositions, on the Psalms
Bardesanes (154-222)
- The Book of the Laws of Various Countries
Barnabas [SAINT]
- Epistle of Barnabas
Basil the Great [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- De Spiritu Sancto
- Nine Homilies of Hexaemeron
- Letters
- Fragments
Clement of Alexandria [SAINT]
- Who is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved?
- Exhortation to the Heathen
- The Instructor
- The Stromata, or Miscellanies
- Fragments
Clement of Rome [SAINT]
- First Epistle
- Second Epistle [SPURIOUS]
- Two Epistles Concerning Virginity [SPURIOUS]
- Recognitions [SPURIOUS]
- Clementine Homilies [SPURIOUS]
- Writings
Cyprian of Carthage [SAINT]
- The Life and Passion of Cyprian By Pontius the Deacon
- The Epistles of Cyprian
- The Treatises of Cyprian
- The Seventh Council of Carthage
Cyril of Jerusalem [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Catechetical Lectures
Dionysius of Rome [SAINT]
- Against the Sabellians
Dionysius the Great
- Epistles and Epistolary Fragments
- Exegetical Fragments
- Miscellaneous Fragments
Ephraim the Syrian (306-373) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Nisibene Hymns
- Miscellaneous Hymns -- On the Nativity of Christ in the Flesh, For the Feast of the Epiphany, and On the Faith ("The Pearl")
- Homilies -- On Our Lord, On Admonition and Repentance, and On the Sinful Woman
Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 265-c. 340)
- Church History
- Life of Constantine
- Oration of Constantine "to the Assembly of the Saints"
- Oration in Praise of Constantine
- Letter on the Council of Nicaea
Gennadius of Marseilles
- Illustrious Men (Supplement to Jerome)
Gregory the Great, Pope (c. 540-604) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Pastoral Rule
- Register of Letters
Gregory Nazianzen [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Orations
- Letters
Gregory of Nyssa [SAINT]
- Against Eunomius
- Answer to Eunomius' Second Book
- On the Holy Spirit (Against the Followers of Macedonius)
- On the Holy Trinity, and of the Godhead of the Holy Spirit (To Eustathius)
- On "Not Three Gods" (To Ablabius)
- On the Faith (To Simplicius)
- On Virginity
- On Infants' Early Deaths
- On Pilgrimages
- On the Making of Man
- On the Soul and the Resurrection
- The Great Catechism
- Funeral Oration on Meletius
- On the Baptism of Christ (Sermon for the Day of Lights)
- Letters
Gregory Thaumaturgus [SAINT]
- A Declaration of Faith
- A Metaphrase of the Book of Ecclesiastes
- Canonical Epistle
- The Oration and Panegyric Addressed to Origen
- A Sectional Confession of Faith
- On the Trinity
- Twelve Topics on the Faith
- On the Subject of the Soul
- Four Homilies
- On All the Saints
- On Matthew 6:22-23
- The Pastor (or "The Shepherd")
Hilary of Poitiers [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- On the Councils, or the Faith of the Easterns
- On the Trinity
- Homilies on the Psalms
Hippolytus [SAINT]
- The Refutation of All Heresies
- Some Exegetical Fragments of Hippolytus
- Expository Treatise Against the Jews
- Against Plato, On the Cause of the Universe
- Against the Heresy of Noetus
- Discourse on the Holy Theophany
- The Antichrist
- The End of the World (Pseudonymous)
- The Apostles and the Disciples (Pseudonymous)
Ignatius of Antioch [SAINT]
- Epistle to the Ephesians
- Epistle to the Magnesians
- Epistle to the Trallians
- Epistle to the Romans
- Epistle to the Philadelphians
- Epistle to the Smyrnæans
- Epistle to Polycarp
- The Martyrdom of Ignatius
- The Spurious Epistles
Irenaeus of Lyons [SAINT]
- Adversus haereses
- Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus
- Letters
- The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary
- To Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem
- The Dialogue Against the Luciferians
- The Life of Malchus, the Captive Monk
- The Life of S. Hilarion
- The Life of Paulus the First Hermit
- Against Jovinianus
- Against Vigilantius
- Against the Pelagians
- Prefaces
- De Viris Illustribus (Illustrious Men)
- Apology for himself against the Books of Rufinus
John of Damascus [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Exposition of the Faith
John Cassian (c. 360-c. 435)
- Institutes
- Conferences
- On the Incarnation of the Lord (Against Nestorius)
John Chrysostom [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Homilies on the Gospel of St. Matthew
- Homilies on Acts
- Homilies on Romans
- Homilies on First Corinthians
- Homilies on Second Corinthians
- Homilies on Ephesians
- Homilies on Philippians
- Homilies on Colossians
- Homilies on First Thessalonians
- Homilies on Second Thessalonians
- Homilies on First Timothy
- Homilies on Second Timothy
- Homilies on Titus
- Homilies on Philemon
- Commentary on Galatians
- Homilies on the Gospel of John
- Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews
- Homilies on the Statues
- No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself
- Two Letters to Theodore After His Fall
- Letter to a Young Widow
- Homily on St. Ignatius
- Homily on St. Babylas
- Homily Concerning "Lowliness of Mind"
- Instructions to Catechumens
- Three Homilies on the Power of Satan
- Homily on the Passage "Father, if it be possible . . ."
- Homily on the Paralytic Lowered Through the Roof
- Homily on the Passage "If your enemy hunger, feed him."
- Homily Against Publishing the Errors of the Brethren
- First Homily on Eutropius
- Second Homily on Eutropius (After His Captivity)
- Four Letters to Olympias
- Letter to Some Priests of Antioch
- Correspondence with Pope Innocent I
- On the Priesthood
Julius Africanus
- Extant Writings
Justin Martyr [SAINT]
- First Apology
- Second Apology
- Dialogue with Trypho
- Hortatory Address to the Greeks
- On the Sole Government of God
- Fragments of the Lost Work on the Resurrection
- Miscellaneous Fragments from Lost Writings
- Martyrdom of Justin, Chariton, and other Roman Martyrs
- Discourse to the Greeks
- The Divine Institutes
- The Epitome of the Divine Institutes
- On the Anger of God
- On the Workmanship of God
- Of the Manner In Which the Persecutors Died
- Fragments of Lactantius
- The Phoenix
- A Poem on the Passion of the Lord
Leo the Great, Pope (c. 395-461) [SAINT] [DOCTOR]
- Sermons
- Letters
- Epistle
Mar Jacob (452-521)
- Canticle on Edessa
- Homily on Habib the Martyr
- Homily on Guria and Shamuna
- Epistle to Diognetus
- The Banquet of the Ten Virgins
- Concerning Free Will
- From the Discourse on the Resurrection
- Fragments
- Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna
- Oration on the Psalms
- Three Fragments from the Homily on the Cross and Passion of Christ
Minucius Felix
- Octavius
Moses of Chorene (c. 400-c. 490)
- History of Armenia
- Treatise Concerning the Trinity
- On the Jewish Meats
- De Principiis
- Africanus to Origen
- Origen to Africanus
- Origen to Gregory
- Against Celsus
- Letter of Origen to Gregory
- Commentary on the Gospel of John
- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew
Pamphilus [SAINT]
- Exposition on the Acts of the Apostles
Papias [SAINT]
- Fragments
Peter of Alexandria [SAINT]
- The Genuine Acts
- The Canonical Epistle
- Fragments
Polycarp [SAINT]
- Epistle to the Philippians
- The Martyrdom of Polycarp
- Apology
- Commentary on the Apostles' Creed
- Prefaces and Other Works
Socrates Scholasticus (c. 379-c. 450)
- Ecclesiastical History
Sozomen (c. 375-c. 447)
- Ecclesiastical History
Sulpitius Severus (c. 363-c. 420)
- On the Life of St. Martin
- Letters -- Genuine and Dubious
- Dialogues
- Sacred History
- Address to the Greeks
- Fragments
- The Diatessaron
- The Apology
- On Idolatry
- De Spectaculis (The Shows)
- De Corona (The Chaplet)
- To Scapula
- Ad Nationes
- An Answer to the Jews
- The Soul's Testimony
- A Treatise on the Soul
- The Prescription Against Heretics
- Against Marcion
- Against Hermogenes
- Against the Valentinians
- On the Flesh of Christ
- On the Resurrection of the Flesh
- Against Praxeas
- Scorpiace
- Appendix (Against All Heresies)
- On Repentance
- On Baptism
- On Prayer
- Ad Martyras
- The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity (Sometimes attributed to Tertullian)
- Of Patience
- On the Pallium
- On the Apparel of Women
- On the Veiling of Virgins
- To His Wife
- On Exhortation to Chastity
- On Monogamy
- On Modesty
- On Fasting
- De Fuga in Persecutione
- Counter-Statements to Cyril's 12 Anathemas against Nestorius
- Ecclesiastical History
- Dialogues ("Eranistes" or "Polymorphus")
- Demonstrations by Syllogism
- Letters
- Excerpts
- Theophilus to Autolycus
- Poem on Easter
Victorinus [SAINT]
- On the Creation of the World
- Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John
Vincent of Lérins (d. c. 450) [SAINT]
- Commonitory for the Antiquity and Universality of the Catholic Faith
Liturgies - The Liturgy of James
- The Liturgy of Mark
- The Liturgy of the Blessed Apostles
- Carthage under Cyprian (257) [LOCAL]
- Ancyra (314) [LOCAL]
- Neocaesarea (315) [LOCAL]
- Nicaea I (325) [ECUMENICAL]
- Antioch in Encaeniis (341) [LOCAL]
- Gangra (343) [LOCAL]
- Sardica (344) [LOCAL]
- Constantinople I (381) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople (382) [LOCAL]
- Laodicea (390) [LOCAL]
- Constantinople under Nectarius (394) [LOCAL]
- Carthage (419) [LOCAL]
- Ephesus (431) [ECUMENICAL]
- Chalcedon (451) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople II (553) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople III (680) [ECUMENICAL]
- Constantinople/"Trullo"/Quinisext (692) [LOCAL]
- Nicaea II (787) [ECUMENICAL]
- Apocalypse of Peter (c. 130)
- Protoevangelium of James (c. 150)
- Acts of Paul and Thecla (c. 180)
- Gospel of Peter (c. 190) [DOCETIC]
- The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (c. 192) [EBIONITIC]
- Acts of Peter and Paul (c. 200)
- Gospel of Thomas (c. 200) [GNOSTIC]
- Acts of Thomas (c. 240) [GNOSTIC]
- Acts of Thaddaeus (c. 250)
- Acts of Andrew (c. 260) [GNOSTIC]
- Acts of Xanthippe and Polyxena (c. 270)
- Acts of John [DOCETIC]
- Acts of Philip (c. 350)
- Apocalypse of Paul (c. 380)
- Gospel of Nicodemus (Including "Acta Pilati") (c. 150-400)
- The Doctrine of Addai (c. 400) -- This is a Syriac version of the earlier Acts of Thaddaeus (s.v.)
- Assumption of Mary (c. 400)
- History of Joseph the Carpenter (c. 400)
- Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew (c. 400)
- Acts of Barnabas (c. 500)
- Acts of Bartholomew (c. 500) [NESTORIAN]
- Acts and Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Apostle (c. 550) [ABYSSINIAN]
- Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour (c. 600)
- Avenging of the Saviour (c. 700)
- Apocalypse of John (unknown date; late)
- Apocalypse of Moses (unknown date) [JUDAISTIC]
- Apocalypse of Esdras (unknown date) [JUDAISTIC]
- Testament of Abraham (unknown date) [JUDAISTIC]
- Narrative of Zosimus (unknown date)
- Gospel of the Nativity of Mary (unknown date; late)
- Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea (unknown date; late)
- Report of Pontius Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Letter of Pontius Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Giving Up of Pontius Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Death of Pilate (unknown date; late)
- Apocalypse of the Virgin (unknown date; very late)
- Apocalypse of Sedrach (unknown date; very late)
- Acts of Andrew and Matthias
- Acts of Peter and Andrew
- Consummation of Thomas the Apostle
- The Didache (c. 100)
- Apostolic Constitutions (c. 400)
- The Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat
- The Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs (c. 180)
- A Treatise Against the Heretic Novatian (c. 255)
- A Treatise on Re-Baptism (c. 255)
- Remains of the Second and Third Centuries (various dates)
- Apostolic Canons (c. 400) -- See Apostolic Constitutions, Book VIII, Chapter 47
- Acts of Sharbil (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The Martyrdom of Barsamya (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Extracts from Various Books Concerning Abgar the King and Addaeus the Apostle (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The Teaching of the Apostles (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The Teaching of Simon Cephas in the City of Rome (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Martyrdom of Habib the Deacon (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Martyrdom of the Holy Confessors Shamuna, Guria, and Habib (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- A Letter of Mara, Son of Serapion (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- Ambrose (unknown date) [SYRIAC]
- The False Decretals (c. 850)
All links provided by
St. Thomas Aquinas Works
Peace be with you!
St. Thomas Aquinas is a Doctor of the Church. He is still world famous in Catholic and non-Catholic circles for his contributions to philosophy. He is arguably most famous for his Summa Theologiae.
The complete works of St. Thomas Aquinas can be found at the following addresses:
In Latin:
In English:
In French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, English, and Latin:,_Sanctus.html
Hyperlinked Summa Theologiae in English:
St. Thomas Aquinas is a Doctor of the Church. He is still world famous in Catholic and non-Catholic circles for his contributions to philosophy. He is arguably most famous for his Summa Theologiae.
The complete works of St. Thomas Aquinas can be found at the following addresses:
In Latin:
In English:
In French, Portuguese, German, Spanish, English, and Latin:,_Sanctus.html
Hyperlinked Summa Theologiae in English:
Monday, October 11, 2010
St. Alphonsus Liguori Works
Peace be with you!
St. Alphonsus de Liguori began the Redemptorist order. He is a Doctor of the Church.
Most of his works can be found here:
People say that St. Alphonsus Liguori was a master of moral theology like St. Thomas Aquinas was a master of dogmatic theology.
St. Alphonsus de Liguori began the Redemptorist order. He is a Doctor of the Church.
Most of his works can be found here:
People say that St. Alphonsus Liguori was a master of moral theology like St. Thomas Aquinas was a master of dogmatic theology.
Writings of the Doctors of the Church
Peace be with you!
Who are the Doctors of the Church (thus far)?
They can be found here:
The following 33 persons have been named Doctor of the Church (in order of "year promoted"):
1. St. Gregory the Great
2. St. Ambrose
3. St. Augustine
4. St. Jerome
5. St. John Chrysostom
6. St. Basil
7. St. Gregory Nazianzus
8. St. Athanasius
9. St. Thomas Aquinas
10. St. Bonaventure
11. St. Anselm
12. St. Isidore
13. St. Peter Chrysologus
14. St. Leo the Great
15. St. Peter Damian
16. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
17. St. Hilary of Poitiers
18. St. Alphonsus de Liguori
19. St. Francis de Sales
20. St. Cyril of Alexandria
21. St. Cyril of Jerusalem
22. St. John Damascene
23. St. Bede the Venerable
24. St. Ephrem
25. St. Peter Canisius
26. St. John of the Cross
27. St. Robert Bellarmine
28. St. Albertus Magnus
29. St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon
30. St. Lawrence of Brindisi
31. St. Teresa of Ávila
32. St. Catherine of Siena
33. St. Thérèse de Lisieux
These persons are proclaimed Doctors of the Church because of the immense importance their teaching has been to the Catholic Church. Be familiar with them.
Who are the Doctors of the Church (thus far)?
They can be found here:
The following 33 persons have been named Doctor of the Church (in order of "year promoted"):
1. St. Gregory the Great
2. St. Ambrose
3. St. Augustine
4. St. Jerome
5. St. John Chrysostom
6. St. Basil
7. St. Gregory Nazianzus
8. St. Athanasius
9. St. Thomas Aquinas
10. St. Bonaventure
11. St. Anselm
12. St. Isidore
13. St. Peter Chrysologus
14. St. Leo the Great
15. St. Peter Damian
16. St. Bernard of Clairvaux
17. St. Hilary of Poitiers
18. St. Alphonsus de Liguori
19. St. Francis de Sales
20. St. Cyril of Alexandria
21. St. Cyril of Jerusalem
22. St. John Damascene
23. St. Bede the Venerable
24. St. Ephrem
25. St. Peter Canisius
26. St. John of the Cross
27. St. Robert Bellarmine
28. St. Albertus Magnus
29. St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon
30. St. Lawrence of Brindisi
31. St. Teresa of Ávila
32. St. Catherine of Siena
33. St. Thérèse de Lisieux
These persons are proclaimed Doctors of the Church because of the immense importance their teaching has been to the Catholic Church. Be familiar with them.
Liturgy of the Hours
Peace be with you!
The Liturgy of the Hours a form of public daily prayer in the Church. Other than the Mass, it is the official daily public prayer of the Church. Deacons, priests and bishops have an obligation to say the Liturgy of the Hours.
It has other common names:
Christian Prayer
Liturgy of the Hours
Divine Office
Various websites offer the entire Liturgy of the Hours for free online:
Liturgy of the Hours in English and other languages, Palm program available:
Breviarium Romanum according to 1961 rubrics (Latin):
Liturgy of the Hours in Latin; complete with links, audio, and Flash presentations for Firefox:
Liturgy of the Hours according to 1954 rubric (English-Latin parallel):
Papal-approved version of Liturgy of the Hours for converts from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism:
Gregorian chant notation and audio files for all Liturgy of the Hours prayers:
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thess 5:17
The Liturgy of the Hours a form of public daily prayer in the Church. Other than the Mass, it is the official daily public prayer of the Church. Deacons, priests and bishops have an obligation to say the Liturgy of the Hours.
It has other common names:
Christian Prayer
Liturgy of the Hours
Divine Office
Various websites offer the entire Liturgy of the Hours for free online:
Liturgy of the Hours in English and other languages, Palm program available:
Breviarium Romanum according to 1961 rubrics (Latin):
Liturgy of the Hours in Latin; complete with links, audio, and Flash presentations for Firefox:
Liturgy of the Hours according to 1954 rubric (English-Latin parallel):
Papal-approved version of Liturgy of the Hours for converts from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism:
Gregorian chant notation and audio files for all Liturgy of the Hours prayers:
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thess 5:17
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Tridentine Mass Tutorials (Priests, Deacons, Altar Servers)
Peace be with you!
This website offers video tutorials for priests who desire to celebrate the Tridentine Mass. There are tutorials for High Mass, Low Mass, with or without incense, before and after Mass, altar serving and more!
The website even has audio files to help priests and deacons pronounce Latin properly.
In response to Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum", this educational website has been established.
The motu proprio in English:
The motu proprio in Latin:
The Letter which accompanied the motu proprio in English:
This website offers video tutorials for priests who desire to celebrate the Tridentine Mass. There are tutorials for High Mass, Low Mass, with or without incense, before and after Mass, altar serving and more!
The website even has audio files to help priests and deacons pronounce Latin properly.
In response to Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum", this educational website has been established.
The motu proprio in English:
The motu proprio in Latin:
The Letter which accompanied the motu proprio in English:
Thursday, October 7, 2010
New Advent
Peace be with you!
New Advent ( is a very extensive website which includes the following:
-One of the most extensive Catholic Encyclopedias online (
-Full text of Summa Theologica with links (
-A front page Catholic news service (
-List of major documents by Church Fathers (
-Bible with Greek, English, and Latin parallel texts (
-Extensive library of recent important Church documents (
Fish around!
New Advent ( is a very extensive website which includes the following:
-One of the most extensive Catholic Encyclopedias online (
-Full text of Summa Theologica with links (
-A front page Catholic news service (
-List of major documents by Church Fathers (
-Bible with Greek, English, and Latin parallel texts (
-Extensive library of recent important Church documents (
Fish around!
Catechetics Online
Peace be with you!
Catechetics Online is a wonderful resource which contains important documents such as:
Enchridion Symbolorum (The Sources of Catholic Dogma)
Catechism of Trent
Catena Aurea
Summa Theologica
and others!
The website has:
an extensive Apologetics core:
an extensive Catechetics core (including lesson planning):
important works of spirituality, including the following:
Click Here - The Ascent of Mount Carmel by John of the Cross
Click Here - The Confessions of St. Augustine
Click Here - The Dark Night of the Soul by John of the Cross
Click Here - The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
Click Here - The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich
Click Here - The Imitation of Christ
Click Here - The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila
Click Here - The Introduction to the Devout Life
Click Here - The Journey of the Mind into God by St. Bonaventure
Click Here - The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus by St. Teresa of Avila
Click Here - The Little Flowers of St. Francis
Click Here - The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (1605)
Click Here - The Preparation for Total Consecration according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort
Click Here - The Revelations of Divine Love
Click Here - The Rule of St. Benedict
Click Here - The Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom of Christ by John of the Cross
Click Here - The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Click Here - The Treatise on the Love of God by St. Francis de Sales
Click Here - The Uniformity with God's Will by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri
Click Here - The Way of Perfection by St Teresa of Avila
Catechetics Online is a wonderful resource which contains important documents such as:
Enchridion Symbolorum (The Sources of Catholic Dogma)
Catechism of Trent
Catena Aurea
Summa Theologica
and others!
The website has:
an extensive Apologetics core:
an extensive Catechetics core (including lesson planning):
important works of spirituality, including the following:
Click Here - The Ascent of Mount Carmel by John of the Cross
Click Here - The Confessions of St. Augustine
Click Here - The Dark Night of the Soul by John of the Cross
Click Here - The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
Click Here - The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Anne Catherine Emmerich
Click Here - The Imitation of Christ
Click Here - The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila
Click Here - The Introduction to the Devout Life
Click Here - The Journey of the Mind into God by St. Bonaventure
Click Here - The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus by St. Teresa of Avila
Click Here - The Little Flowers of St. Francis
Click Here - The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (1605)
Click Here - The Preparation for Total Consecration according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort
Click Here - The Revelations of Divine Love
Click Here - The Rule of St. Benedict
Click Here - The Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom of Christ by John of the Cross
Click Here - The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Click Here - The Treatise on the Love of God by St. Francis de Sales
Click Here - The Uniformity with God's Will by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri
Click Here - The Way of Perfection by St Teresa of Avila
Readings for Philosophers and Catholics
Peace be with you!
Are you looking for a great reading list for Philosophy as a Catholic? Then look no further! Hundreds of links to thousands of pages of material!
The following resource was set up by the Jacques Maritain Center at University of Notre Dame in USA.
Authors include:
Jacques Maritain
Raïssa Maritain
St. Thomas Aquinas
Yves Simon
Ralph McInerny
The website also has done much work collecting resources from other websites, as you will see.
Are you looking for a great reading list for Philosophy as a Catholic? Then look no further! Hundreds of links to thousands of pages of material!
The following resource was set up by the Jacques Maritain Center at University of Notre Dame in USA.
Authors include:
Jacques Maritain
Raïssa Maritain
St. Thomas Aquinas
Yves Simon
Ralph McInerny
The website also has done much work collecting resources from other websites, as you will see.
Peace be with you!
The Raccolta is a book containing prayers and exercises to which the Popes have attached indulgences.
The full text of the Raccolta can be found online here:
HTML In English:
PDF, Epub, Kindle, Daisy, DjVu in English:
The Raccolta is a book containing prayers and exercises to which the Popes have attached indulgences.
The full text of the Raccolta can be found online here:
HTML In English:
PDF, Epub, Kindle, Daisy, DjVu in English:
Catena Aurea
Peace be with you!
The Catena Aurea is a commentary of the Early Church Fathers on the 4 Gospels. As such, it is a very important and useful document. It was compiled by St. Thomas Aquinas and features commentary from the likes of St. Augustine, St. John Chrusostom, Origen, St. Jerome and many others.
It can be found at the following website addresses:
In English:
The Catena Aurea is a commentary of the Early Church Fathers on the 4 Gospels. As such, it is a very important and useful document. It was compiled by St. Thomas Aquinas and features commentary from the likes of St. Augustine, St. John Chrusostom, Origen, St. Jerome and many others.
It can be found at the following website addresses:
In English:
Enchiridion Indulgentiarum
Peace be with you!
The Enchiridion Indulgentiarum is a book that lists the most popular Catholic prayers and the indulgences attached to the pious praying of them.
It can be found in full text at the following addresses:
HTML In Latin:
HTML In English:
PDF In English:
The Enchiridion Indulgentiarum is a book that lists the most popular Catholic prayers and the indulgences attached to the pious praying of them.
It can be found in full text at the following addresses:
HTML In Latin:
HTML In English:
PDF In English:
Papal Documents
Peace be with you!
How do you easily access the Papal documents?
1. Go to This is the Vatican's homepage.
2. On the left-hand side of the page, you will see a picture of the current Pope (Benedict XVI).
3. Just to the right of the Pope are 6 small circles, each with a symbol inside, arranged in a ring.
4. Click the circle with the head of the statue of St. Peter (the first circle at the top). This will take you to a page with the names of the most recent Popes.
5. In the list to the left, click the Pope you are interested in and you will be brought to a page where links to all documents written as Pope are available. Not all documents are available in English.
This is the best way to have recent Papal documents at your fingertips!
How do you easily access the Papal documents?
1. Go to This is the Vatican's homepage.
2. On the left-hand side of the page, you will see a picture of the current Pope (Benedict XVI).
3. Just to the right of the Pope are 6 small circles, each with a symbol inside, arranged in a ring.
4. Click the circle with the head of the statue of St. Peter (the first circle at the top). This will take you to a page with the names of the most recent Popes.
5. In the list to the left, click the Pope you are interested in and you will be brought to a page where links to all documents written as Pope are available. Not all documents are available in English.
This is the best way to have recent Papal documents at your fingertips!
St. Michael's Media
Peace be with you!
St. Michael's Media began as a lay apostolate. It was started by a former seminarian, Michael Voris. Michael Voris is also founder of Real Catholic TV (
St. Michael's Media is well-known for its program The One True Faith.
Besides television programming, the website has a wide selection of educational resources available including Basic Training, and various podcasts, audio and video.
I would suggest taking advantage of the many resources this site has to offer in order to learn about our faith!
You can find complete audio for The One True Faith episodes free for download here.
RSS feed for One True Faith:
St. Michael's Media began as a lay apostolate. It was started by a former seminarian, Michael Voris. Michael Voris is also founder of Real Catholic TV (
St. Michael's Media is well-known for its program The One True Faith.
Besides television programming, the website has a wide selection of educational resources available including Basic Training, and various podcasts, audio and video.
I would suggest taking advantage of the many resources this site has to offer in order to learn about our faith!
You can find complete audio for The One True Faith episodes free for download here.
RSS feed for One True Faith:
Michael Voris - Real Catholic TV
Peace be with you!
Michael Voris runs Real Catholic TV, which is a Catholic television channel entirely found on the internet (cannot get it through satellite)!
You can access the site by clicking the following link:
You can sign up for FREE and receive some programming, OR you can be a premium subscriber for a small fee and have access to all the wonderful material.
Some of the free programming includes Michael Voris' almost-daily weblog "The Vortex" (where lies and falsehoods are trapped...and exposed) in which Michael does just that: finds lies wthin and without the Catholic Church and works to expose them, so that reconciliation and tighter incorporation into the body of Jesus is more expedient. In The Vortex, Michael tackles almost any misunderstanding and problem you could imagine, in an oft pithy, but true commentary and will always leave you better educated than when you began searching!
The Vortex can also be found on Youtube! Find the user RealCatholicTV and subscribe!
"Saint of the Day" is a wonderful resource containing short video clips about a saint for almost every day of the year. There is also a news summary entitled "Catholic News Roundup" and an educational video series entitled "This Day in History" -- all are wonderful educational resources.
Do not forget the "Special Programs" link:
CIA or "Catholic Investigative Agency" contains hour-long episodes of research into serious problems which affect us as Catholics.
"Shepherd's Voice" is a series of short videos featuring Bishops, Archbishops, Prelates and Patriarchs giving short sermons.
Here is a list of the Shepherds featured thus far:
Bishop Olmsted (Phoenix, Arizona)
Bishop Vasa (Oregon)
Patriarch Younan (Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch)
Bishop Sheridan (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Bishop Choby (Nashville, Tennessee)
Bishop Martino (Scranton, Pennsylvania)
Bishop Schneider (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)
As for what the premium subscription offers--well, you will just have to see for yourself!
Michael Voris runs Real Catholic TV, which is a Catholic television channel entirely found on the internet (cannot get it through satellite)!
You can access the site by clicking the following link:
You can sign up for FREE and receive some programming, OR you can be a premium subscriber for a small fee and have access to all the wonderful material.
Some of the free programming includes Michael Voris' almost-daily weblog "The Vortex" (where lies and falsehoods are trapped...and exposed) in which Michael does just that: finds lies wthin and without the Catholic Church and works to expose them, so that reconciliation and tighter incorporation into the body of Jesus is more expedient. In The Vortex, Michael tackles almost any misunderstanding and problem you could imagine, in an oft pithy, but true commentary and will always leave you better educated than when you began searching!
The Vortex can also be found on Youtube! Find the user RealCatholicTV and subscribe!
"Saint of the Day" is a wonderful resource containing short video clips about a saint for almost every day of the year. There is also a news summary entitled "Catholic News Roundup" and an educational video series entitled "This Day in History" -- all are wonderful educational resources.
Do not forget the "Special Programs" link:
CIA or "Catholic Investigative Agency" contains hour-long episodes of research into serious problems which affect us as Catholics.
"Shepherd's Voice" is a series of short videos featuring Bishops, Archbishops, Prelates and Patriarchs giving short sermons.
Here is a list of the Shepherds featured thus far:
Bishop Olmsted (Phoenix, Arizona)
Bishop Vasa (Oregon)
Patriarch Younan (Syriac Catholic Patriarch of Antioch)
Bishop Sheridan (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Bishop Choby (Nashville, Tennessee)
Bishop Martino (Scranton, Pennsylvania)
Bishop Schneider (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)
As for what the premium subscription offers--well, you will just have to see for yourself!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Enchiridion Symbolorum - Denzinger
Peace be with you!
The Enchiridion Symbolorum is a book which traces the history and development of Catholic doctrine.
As such, it is an extremely important document. I find particularly interesting the development of the Apostle's Creed.
The book has many nicknames:
The "Denzinger"
The Sources of Catholic Dogma
Enchiridion Symbolorum
It is also a very interesting document because of its Catholicity, and utility in apologetics, and it can be found online at these addresses:
In Latin:
In English:
The Enchiridion Symbolorum is a book which traces the history and development of Catholic doctrine.
As such, it is an extremely important document. I find particularly interesting the development of the Apostle's Creed.
The book has many nicknames:
The "Denzinger"
The Sources of Catholic Dogma
Enchiridion Symbolorum
It is also a very interesting document because of its Catholicity, and utility in apologetics, and it can be found online at these addresses:
In Latin:
In English:
RSS and Google Reader
Peace be with you!
RSS = Really Simple Syndication
A Really Simple Definition:
An RSS "feed" is a short bit of news that can be sent to you in (almost) realtime. It is most useful when coming from websites which are updated very frequently.
How do you receive RSS feeds?
In order to have RSS feeds sent to you, you need to have something called a "reader". The reader organizes RSS feeds so you can be organized.
Here is a good and easy reader:
Google Reader -->
You need a Google account in order to use the reader. So go get a Google account!
The RSS symbol

RSS = Really Simple Syndication
A Really Simple Definition:
An RSS "feed" is a short bit of news that can be sent to you in (almost) realtime. It is most useful when coming from websites which are updated very frequently.
How do you receive RSS feeds?
In order to have RSS feeds sent to you, you need to have something called a "reader". The reader organizes RSS feeds so you can be organized.
Here is a good and easy reader:
Google Reader -->
You need a Google account in order to use the reader. So go get a Google account!
The RSS symbol
This is the RSS symbol:
The symbol is usually found in the corner of the webpage.
What if I cannot find it?
If you cannot find it, press ctrl+f and type in "RSS".
If you still cannot find it, type RSS in the website's search engine.
When I find it, what do I do?
When you find the RSS link, click it. You will be brought to another webpage. Sometimes, you will need to click a very specific type of RSS feed. You will finally be brought to a webpage with headlines. If you look at the website address, you will notice that it ends in .xml, .rss, or .xtml. Copy this website address.
Return to Google Reader and...
Return to Google reader, click the "Add Subscription" button on the top left of the page.
A little window will appear and you will paste the RSS website address into the empty text bar. Click "Add".
Be patient. It will start soon. Some websites update often, some never update. You need to test them!
Go in the peace of Christ!
Word on Fire - Fr. Robert Barron
Peace be with you!
There is a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago whose name is Father Robert Barron. Bishop Dolan of New York likens Fr. "Bob" to a modern-day Archbishop Fulton Sheen. People have called him "the best speaker I've ever heard". See what you think!
Fr. Robert Barron has a website called "Word on Fire" and it can be found following this link:
Fr. Barron uses the new media to propagate the message of Catholicism and he does it in a persuasive and effective way! For instance, Fr. Barron is working on a 10 part series called "Catholicism" in which he travels all over the world and tells the story of the Catholic Church in a way more compelling than anyone in this present age. Information can be found under the "Catholicism" tab on the website
Fr. Robert Barron also engages the culture through short segments on youtube (, where he does movie commentary, debate with atheists, and basic catechism in a profound way. His videos are under the usernames wordonfirevideo and wordonfirevideo2. Not only does Fr. Barron post videos, but he also debates other youtube users with the accuracy and execution of a master thinker, presenting the truth of our faith in an understandable and powerful way. Dr. Scott Hahn and Fr. Barron also do some discussions together on youtube.
I will dare to say that Fr. Robert Barron is a voice crying in the wilderness for our times. He is engaging the new media: internet, TV, and web 2.0, and he is making the Catholic presence felt, respected, and understood.
Subscribe to his various RSS feeds:
There is a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago whose name is Father Robert Barron. Bishop Dolan of New York likens Fr. "Bob" to a modern-day Archbishop Fulton Sheen. People have called him "the best speaker I've ever heard". See what you think!
Fr. Robert Barron has a website called "Word on Fire" and it can be found following this link:
Fr. Barron uses the new media to propagate the message of Catholicism and he does it in a persuasive and effective way! For instance, Fr. Barron is working on a 10 part series called "Catholicism" in which he travels all over the world and tells the story of the Catholic Church in a way more compelling than anyone in this present age. Information can be found under the "Catholicism" tab on the website
Fr. Robert Barron also engages the culture through short segments on youtube (, where he does movie commentary, debate with atheists, and basic catechism in a profound way. His videos are under the usernames wordonfirevideo and wordonfirevideo2. Not only does Fr. Barron post videos, but he also debates other youtube users with the accuracy and execution of a master thinker, presenting the truth of our faith in an understandable and powerful way. Dr. Scott Hahn and Fr. Barron also do some discussions together on youtube.
I will dare to say that Fr. Robert Barron is a voice crying in the wilderness for our times. He is engaging the new media: internet, TV, and web 2.0, and he is making the Catholic presence felt, respected, and understood.
Subscribe to his various RSS feeds:
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